Tasmania January 2004 (cont'd)
Sydney to St Helens

Coles Bay, Fortescue Bay and Port Arthur

Adventure Bay via Cadbury Factory

Ross to Deloraine via Mt Wellington

Cradle Mountain and Strahan

Stanley to Sydney

Map of Tasmania









January 12 - We had to be out of the Wheelhouse apartments by 10.00am and we had a long drive to Stanley.  We stopped in Rosebery for coffee and Vanilla slice then onto Wynyard via a heap of timber plantations for lunch.  Next stop was Stanley but we took at detour to Boat Harbour Beach to checkout the Resort we were supposed to check into to next night.  It looked disappointing.  Checked into Hanlon House we was really nice.  Little room out the back for us with TV and own bathroom. 

Kim, Nicole and Bec caught the chairlift to the top of The Nut.  Phil tried to ride his bike.  Fantastic views from the top.

After dinner at the Seafood restaurant it was back to Hanlon House for Graham to take us on a Penguin tour.  First penguins were in the driveway to the house!  We saw heaps of them - in the church hedge, in little rookerys by the road - amazing!.  Graham then built Kim and Phil an outdoor fire with a couple of ports to watch the stars and listen to the penguin chicks calling to be feed by the parents. 

January 13 - Great breakfast cooked by Maxine at the B&B.  Phil had eggs Flamenco.  Relaxing day with some fishing on the Nut Wharf.  A lady at the local Gift shop lent us her rod when we bought some bait.  Great people.  We only nearly caught an Octopus.  Pretty rare apparently and it got the locals talking.

Dinner that night was Pasta from the local Italian restaurant. The Carbonara had mustard in it.  Phil thought it was ok.

January 14 - Another great breakfast at Hanlon House then off to Somerset.  Phil has a meeting with Gunns.  Kim, Bec and Cole went shopping in Burnie.  A quick snack at Banjos and off looking for a place to stay near Devonport.  Burnie had a huge woodchip pile at the docks, the Lactos Cheese making - boring shop but favourite cheeses like Tasmanian Heritage and Wesley Vale - and the Creative Paper making.  Stopped at Penguin and Nicole was loving it.

At Devonport we stopped at the Visitor Centre to pick a place to stay and take a photo of Spirit III.  We headed on to stay at Sails on Port Sorell.  Kim and Nicole went for a bike ride.  Phil and Bec went swimming in the sea.  Cold water again!  Steak dinner at the Shearwater Country Club.

January 15 - Out early and off to Devonport to catch to Spirit of Tasmania III for it's first trip direct between Devonport and Sydney.  We bought cherries at the side of the road.  Stopped in at La Trobe again to buy an old antique phone Kim stopped at the beginning of the trip and for lunch at Banjos (one last time).  We also took a walk through Reliquaire.  Looks like an old shop from the outside but inside is a wonderland of porcelain dolls, old fixtures, toys from all over the world, games, glow in the dark items and fragrances.  No photos or video allowed unfortunately.

Before catching the boat we drove to the top of the head at Devonport to have a little relax and look at the view.

The boarding went easily and the crossing of Bass Strait even smoother.  Fantastic meals, our own cabin, comfortable seats in the lounge area, three movies and a ranger talk.  It was so smooth - thank goodness.

January 16 - Brunch as a simple affair and we relaxed reading and looking for land.  We were running late - apparently one of the engines failed in the night.  Around noon we went through Sydney Heads and it was pouring.  It didn't stop us standing on the top though.


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