Tasmania January 2004 (cont'd)
Sydney to St Helens

Coles Bay, Fortescue Bay and Port Arthur

Adventure Bay via Cadbury Factory

Ross to Deloraine via Mt Wellington

Cradle Mountain and Strahan

Stanley to Sydney

Map of Tasmania



January 7 - Over night rain on the tents and an early start.  We made a short stop to walk to the top of the lookout on the spit where the penguins and shearwaters had landed two nights ago.  We had a long wait at Bruny Island Ferry then on to lunch at Banjos (again) and to dry the tents at the local park.

Then it was off to Mt Wellington to get sleeted on - or was it mini-hail.  Anyway, it was fun and the clouds rolling in made it eerie.

Onto Ross via Oatlands (one of last four windmills), for Yarro's Birthday dinner at the Man O'Ross including Apple Pie from a local bakery.

January 8 - Morning ride around Ross.  Look around, return the plate, coffee at nice little cafe.  Stopped at Evandale, Clarendon, Woolmer to look at old buildings.  Stopped at Deloraine - Bonney's Inn - top B&B.  Excellent meal at Deloraine Hotel.

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