Tasmania January 2004 (cont'd)
Sydney to St Helens

Coles Bay, Fortescue Bay and Port Arthur

Adventure Bay via Cadbury Factory

Ross to Deloraine via Mt Wellington

Cradle Mountain and Strahan

Stanley to Sydney

Map of Tasmania



January 5 - Drive to Adventure Bay was via Hobart and Cadbury factory.  Kims' favourite spot.  Fantastic tour.  Stuffed our pockets with free chocolates and big discounts at the Chocolate Shop.  Two hours well spent.

Next stop was Coles then onto the Ferry at Kettering for the short trip to Adventure Bay on Bruny Island.  We looked forward to seeing white wallabies and thought they maybe hard to find.  No - they came right up to the tent whilst we ate stir fry for dinner.  After dinner we headed to the spit to see the penguins come ashore to feed their chicks and the shearwaters land to feed theirs too.  Amazing - Shearwaters spend most of the year flying and bobbing around the Bering Sea 12,000 kilometres away.  They fly all the way back to Tasmania to breed and head back again.

January 6 - Yarro and Phil took a morning ride.  Nicole, Bec and Steph joined them for a midday ride.  And Yarro and Phil took more of a huge climb with the bikes rather than ride in the afternoon.  The Big BBQ dinner was really needed after that.  White Wallabies everywhere.

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