Tasmania January 2004
Sydney to St Helens

Coles Bay, Fortescue Bay and Port Arthur

Adventure Bay via Cadbury Factory

Ross to Deloraine via Mt Wellington

Cradle Mountain and Strahan

Stanley to Sydney

Map of Tasmania




December 27, 2003 - Early start on the road to Melbourne with stops for coffee before Yass, break at Gundagai, lunch at Holbrook and petrol just before Melbourne.  First stop was Lygon Street to meet the Rodrigos for an Italian meal and excellent Gelato.  Then onto the City Edge Motel - cheap but clean. 

December 28, 2003 - Another early start after a quick breakfast and a fix of the bike racks that had slipped back during the drive from Sydney.  The ferry to Devonport was due to leave at 9.00am. 

The ferry left on time and was full.  We managed to get a good set of seats near to the lounge area.  Comfortable for reading, watching TV or looking out the window.  We caught a couple of movies on the 8 hour fairly calm trip.

Upon arrival in Devonport we collected the gas bottles and then made a short road trip to La Trobe staying and eating at the Lucas Hotel owned by Dave "The Axe Man" Foster.

December 29, 2003 - Early morning bike ride around the La Trobe area, coffee at Banjo's and then breakfast at Banjo's after showers and packing.  It was off to St Helens.

On the trip to St Helens we stopped at the Sea Horse Farm at Beauty Point (disappointing), Bakery for lunch at Beaconsfield interesting scallop pie), raspberry picking at Hillwood (excellent), Apples also at Hillwood, Bridgestowe Lavender Farm (fantastic) and finally Woolies in Scottsdale.

We arrived at St Helens around 7.00pm and unloaded the car at our cottage stay - Warrawee - then prepared a BBQ feast.

December 30, 2003 - Bike ride in the morning around St Helens followed by a drive to the Pyengara Cheese factory - George and the Tasty were great.  From the factory we headed to St Columba Falls to eat George and Tasty Cheese with fresh bread, quince and biscuits.  We headed back to St Helens with a stop at Binalong Bay and a small beach North of Binalong Bay for a swim.  Really cold water. 

That night we had pizza and played cards using the all new Tasmanian scoring system for "Muck Up Your Neighbour".  10 points for getting what you called and 10 points for each trick instead of 1.

December 31, 2003 - After a bike ride with the girls we headed to Ansons Bay and Eddystone Lighthouse.  48 kilometres of dirt road each way took awhile but the scenery was wonderful.  We stopped at the fresh "live" fish shop on the way back to the cottage for the Tasmanian Striped Trumpeter and a couple of juicy Crayfish.

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