Tasmania January 2004 (cont'd)
Sydney to St Helens

Coles Bay, Fortescue Bay and Port Arthur

Adventure Bay via Cadbury Factory

Ross to Deloraine via Mt Wellington

Cradle Mountain and Strahan

Stanley to Sydney

Map of Tasmania




January 9 - Quick shop at Woolies in Deloraine to stock up for Cradle Mountain.  Windy road up the mountain with at stop at the Honey Farm and the Visitor Centre to collect the keys to Waldheim Cabins.  Walked around Dove Lake, Stir Fry dinner and joined a Ranger walk to see 13 Wombats.  Wildlife everywhere - Possum on the roof rafter, possum with baby on the back at the door, Pademelons, and I think we saw a Quoll.

January 10 - Waldheim Cabin walk and Enchanted Forest Walk then bye to the Baileys and onto Strahan via Zeehan.  After checking into the Wheelhouse Apartments - really nice place - we had a walk on the main street, bought books at the second hand book shop and headed back for a restful afternoon.  Fish and Chips plus two Crayfish for dinner.

January 11 - Another relaxing day in Strahan.  Visited the Morrison Saw Hill to buy some Huon Pine.  Watched "The Ship That Never Was Play".  Pizza from Banjos for dinner.

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